just a few more days to get in on early bird pricing!

just a few more days to get in on early bird pricing!
Hey friends, there is just a couple more days left to get in on the early bird price for my next online class Watercolor Mandalas!

$15.00 $10.00 Early Bird SALE!
Launches January 8th
More information or register HERE

Creating mandalas is one of my favorite ways to get lost in the process of creating. In this class we will be making use of a brush and watercolors to create mandalas. I will be sharing a variety of simple, colorful and creative techniques that will take those mandalas to the next level! 


Dapatkan Tips Menarik Setiap Harinya!

  • Dapatkan tips dan trik yang belum pernah kamu tau sebelumnya
  • Jadilah orang pertama yang mengetahui hal-hal baru di dunia teknologi
  • Dapatkan Ebook Gratis: Cara Dapat 200 Juta / bulan dari AdSense

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