I collect statement rings and I have a huge collection of them in all different shapes, colors and sizes. My collection has gotten so big that I now keep them all in a cereal bowl on a shelf in my closet.

Recently I decided that it was time to get them organized and I grabbed things that I already had on hand to create a couple of ring organizers that I could store in my dresser drawer.

I used a drawer organizer for supplies and a bunch of foam curlers.
The first step was to remove all the plastic from the foam curlers.
Next, I planned out how many foam curlers I needed to fit into the organizer. I glued them all together.

Then I painted the curlers with black acrylic paint and let it dry over night.
The last step was to glue the foam curlers into my drawer organizer.

The result is a SUPER simple way to keep my rings organized, visible and easily stored in my drawers.

DIY DIY project. ring ring holder ring organizer
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