In my opinion, having a good understanding and appreciate for lines will make you better at drawing! And lines are everywhere- from the grain on wood to grassy fields to twigs and branches to the details on a flower- all kinds of lines can be found in the world around you, if you take the time to look closely.

A big part of my own sketching practice is taking time to document and explore lines.

I don't spent lots of time or effort, often this is something I do when I don't have the time to sketch- but instead I take 10-15 minutes to look for inspiration and document all kinds of different lines in my sketchbook. I have found (after doing this for years) that becoming aware of lines and how they work has made me a better artist. Whether I am drawing or painting something (abstract or representational), I have become so aware of how I can use all kinds of different lines in my work.

I don't spent lots of time or effort, often this is something I do when I don't have the time to sketch- but instead I take 10-15 minutes to look for inspiration and document all kinds of different lines in my sketchbook. I have found (after doing this for years) that becoming aware of lines and how they work has made me a better artist. Whether I am drawing or painting something (abstract or representational), I have become so aware of how I can use all kinds of different lines in my work.

I want to encourage you to take a little time and dedicate a few pages to exploring lines:
- Start by looking to the world around you. Take notice of where you see lines. Use spring and things that come with spring as inspiration.
- Challenge yourself to document those lines on your pages.
- (As usual) forget about perfection and focus more on being expressive with those lines.
- Challenge yourself to fill the entire page OR keep layering and adding lines to your pages over time.
- Use this exercise as a way to warm up, as a way to get creative when you have limited time or as a reference for future sketches.
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