mothers day sale this week!

mothers day sale this week!

Ok friends, it's a tradition around these parts to have a Mother's Day sale! Many of you give my classes as gifts so I've got all of my online classes marked down for all those Mother's Day shoppers! You can head on over to the shop for my entire list off classes HERE

In additional to the sale, I wanted to do something extra fun this year so I created an new little online tutorial called Bouquet Play that is 60 minutes of videos exploring how to interpret one bouquet three different ways.

Spend $30 of more and receive access to this exclusive offer!

bouquet play preview from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.

Head to the shop HERE for more information or to register


Dapatkan Tips Menarik Setiap Harinya!

  • Dapatkan tips dan trik yang belum pernah kamu tau sebelumnya
  • Jadilah orang pertama yang mengetahui hal-hal baru di dunia teknologi
  • Dapatkan Ebook Gratis: Cara Dapat 200 Juta / bulan dari AdSense

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