Art journaling is great activity for variety of ages (and skill levels) working at the same time with the same supplies together!

While we love binding our own art journals, you can use just about any pad of paper for an art journal- a watercolor pad, a mixed media pad of paper, a sketchbook or even a composition notebook are all great things to use.

Prompts are a wonderful way to kickstart ideas with kids (or any age) and can be helpful when you are staring at a blank page. I like to have a handful of prompts (typically organized by season, or things we are talking about or learning about) ready to go. Having prompts on hand adds a little bit of guidance/direction for an art journaling session.

I like to select 2-3 different techniques at a time and I always limit the rules (typically there are no rules) and let them interpret the techniques and run with them!

As tempting as it can be to discourage kids from making mud by mixing all of the colors, I always give them the freedom to figure it out on there own. And you know what? They always do!

Embrace the mess! Giving kids (or anyone) the permission to make a mess is often all we need in order to stop overthinking and just get creative!

Art journaling is a really great family, friend, playdate activity and getting adults inviolved with the kids is another fun way to socialize and bond!
Looking for more or projects or inspiration for creating with kiddos? Head on over to my creating with a kid series of posts HERE creating with a kid
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