a peek inside my process- inspiration seaweed

a peek inside my process- inspiration seaweed
Often times I am on the look out for organic shapes to use in my art. My art journal is the place where I explore play around with this inspiration and hash out ideas for future projects.

This summer we've had so much colorful and unique seaweed wash up on the beach and I've been snapping lots of photos to use as inspiration in my art journal.

These pages are not a masterpiece and often I work through them very quickly. This process is an important way that I use my world and the things around me in my art.

It's how I strive to be authentic and find my own unique narrative in my colors, shapes and designs. 

This is process is also how I work through new ideas for concepts, designs and future class ideas.

If you are seeking to find your own style, your own narrative or vibe, the best place to start is in your life- with the things you see and experience everyday, the shapes and patterns in your world.
Yes, Pinterest and Instagram are great places to gather ideas but the only place that will provide authenticity for your art is in real life...in your life!


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