a peek inside my process- working in layers

a peek inside my process- working in layers

If you've been following me for a while, you will know that layers are my jam! I love combining a variety of supplies and techniques to create colorful surfaces with lots of detail and pattern. Over time, I've developed my own little layering process that really helps me stay inspired but it also gives me the opportunity to be messy and refined throughout my layers.

Today I've got a keep inside my process and a few tips for layering! 

When it comes to painting I love beginning most of my surfaces with a couple layers of fast messy color- sometimes I use my hands, a brush, a palette knife....basically I will use anything to get color on that page- the messier the better!

Those layers are when I work free, expressive and from a place of intuition and zero plan. Just lots of color!

The only way to keep those colors bright and dynamic is to let each layer dry in between. I always have my handy hair dryer next to me so I can hit each layer of color with warm air.

I also enjoy using complimentary colors or contrasting colors in different layers. This keep that color popping and looking really dynamic.
Once it’s all dry, I slow it down and use these messy and colorful backgrounds as a place to draw or work with lots of detailed pattern or line work. My favorite tools are permanent black pens and a Uni-ball Signo white pen.

Layering can be intimidating but once you get the hang of it, it’s super fun to combine lots of different techniques and color on the same page!

a peek inside my art journal a peek inside my process art journal drawing layers white pen


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