FLASH SALE! floral bundle!

FLASH SALE! floral bundle!

Anyone out there in the mood to paint flowers? Wel, you are in luck! This weekend we have a flash sale happening! I've bundled four of my favorite flower classes together for $30 (compare at $60 for all four)! If you are interested in learning a variety of different ways to create floral art, this is the deal for you! 

Head on over to THE SHOP for more information or to purchase a bundle! 
Please note that we are not able to switch or trade out classes when we offer our flash bundles but know that we always have deals and sales around the corner!

Offer ends Sunday, November 3rd at midnight

FLORAL BUNDLE FLASH from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.


Flowers and acrylic paint make the perfect pair! In this class I will be sharing all kinds of really simple techniques for transforming your favorite flowers into expressive, beautiful and colorful acrylic paintings.
There is something so colorful and expressive about creating with pastels. In this class we will use my favorite subject: flowers, to explore a variety of wild and expressive ways to use pastels.

There is something so simple and beautiful about creating with ink. In this class we will use my favorite subject: flowers, to explore a variety of expressive techniques. From using brushes to found objects to items from nature, we will experiment with creating dynamic and bold floral ink brush paintings.

Flowers and watercolors make the perfect pair! In this class I will be sharing all kinds of really simple techniques for transforming your favorite flowers into expressive, beautiful and colorful paintings. 

floral bundle floral flash sale


Dapatkan Tips Menarik Setiap Harinya!

  • Dapatkan tips dan trik yang belum pernah kamu tau sebelumnya
  • Jadilah orang pertama yang mengetahui hal-hal baru di dunia teknologi
  • Dapatkan Ebook Gratis: Cara Dapat 200 Juta / bulan dari AdSense

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