I've had a lot of inquires over here about the future of my Oregon Coast art retreats and while I've talked about it in Instagram, I thought I would also share a little update here in my feed.
While I had plans this year to announce my summer/fall 2020 studio retreat schedule, back January I canceled all of my plans behind the scenes- it was a really, really hard decision to make. During the month of January, I had been watching what was happening in China very closely and something just didn't feel right to me. While I had no idea at the time things would escalate so quickly for us in America, my gut told me to scrap my retreat announcements and wait and see what would happen with COVID19.
And here we are, most of the country at home, a health and economic crisis with so many unknowns. While I love offering studio retreats and it is a big part my business and income, I made another hard decision to take at least 1 year off from hosting events/retreats in my Oregon Coast Studio. While I've taken breaks in the past, this feels different because like so many businesses out there, I have no idea what the world will look like moving forward and if parts of my business will fit into that world.
I know there will likely be a lot of people who think this decision might be drastic but don’t feel like it would be appropriate or responsible for me to continue to welcome women from all over the country and the world into my small Oregon Coast community until we know more about COVID19. No amount of money is worth people's health and safety. So for now my studio retreats will be put on hold until things become more clear.
To be honest, it breaks my heart. Getting to open my studio, teach, create and share my hometown of Seaside, Oregon with so many creative, beautiful souls has not only been an honor but life changing for me. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to have shared my studio with so many of you and I cannot wait for the day when we can gather and create together again. In the meantime, I will continue to offer online classes and I have some new creative ideas coming in the months ahead. Thanks to so many of you out there who support what I do.
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