Ok friends, I have another fun online class that I am rolling out! This is another one that I had scheduled for a late summer launch but it's something that I think would be fun to release right now. So I've moved up the launch date and marked it 50% off. You can visit the shop HERE
NOW $15 (Regular Price $30)
Class launches Monday, May 4th
I am OBSESSED with pattern! In my own work I love using a variety of supplies, materials and techniques to fill all a surface with color and pattern. In this class we are taking doodling and drawing to the next level and we are using all kinds of techniques, concepts and supplies to explore a pattern in a variety of different ways in your art journal. I am sharing 30 creative techniques, prompts and exercises to get you playing around with pattern. We will explore color, repetition, shapes, mark making, abstraction and design. I will be sharing a variety of simple techniques that will take that pattern to the next level.
Pattern Discovery is a class structured into 30 inspiring lessons. The concept is that you have one simple creative idea, prompt or technique to work through each day for 30 days. I will be sharing all kinds of really simple, fun exercises to get you creating.
All of my online classes have unlimited access which means that you can join in at any time. Some people like to work through the 30 day format while others will sign up and take more time to work through the 30 posts. You come and go as you please and create at your own pace. All ages and levels welcome!

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