I've been working hard on new online classes for my 2020 winter/spring lineup plus I've got two year long classes! This is one of the biggest offering that I've dropped all at once!
I've also got an early bird sale AND a one time only deal on the entire bundle of new class offerings so get them cheap while you can!

Launches January 1st
More information or register HERE
There are a lot of things that you need to grow a creative business- it takes hard work, a little bit of luck, creativity, hustle, innovation, saavy but more than anything (in my opinion) it takes a whole lot of BRAVERY.
In my 20+ years of building a success creative business, I've made lots of decisions, I've failed, I've experienced success that I never could have dreamed of, I've evolved, learned new things, fallen flat on my face, picked myself up, taken risks, listened to my gut and slowly built a 6 figure business that has supported our family for the last 10 years.
When I look at everything that I've created the common factor in it all is making brave decisions. Sometimes they were small- like sending an email to a new creative friend while other times they were big- like spending money on marketing. Over and over again, my brave decisions lead to growth, evolution, profit, new ideas and success. While my journey has not been easy or fast or perfect, it has been one the best things that has ever happened to me and I want to share everything that I've learned along the way.
In this year long class I am sharing my experiences, my secrets, advice, pep talks, inspiration, resources and ideas to spark your own brave decisions for the business or the creative dreams that you have for your life!

Launches January 15st
More information or register HERE
Who is the mood for painting with watercolors ALL YEAR LONG?!?
While I love most supplies and mediums, working with watercolors is my favorite because they are versatile, easy to use, compact and they pack a punch! I've created this year long class for those of you looking to learn, create and find new inspiration when it comes to watercolors. From techniques and concepts to tutorials on variety of subject matter (watercolor gems, watercolor women, floral bouquets, animals and more) we will be exploring all kinds of creative and fun ways to work with watercolors all year long.

Launches January 6th
More information or register HERE
I am SO PASSIONATE about creating on a budget and using what I have one hand! I am even more passionate about using trash and recycled materials in my mixed media projects. In this class we will be using an art journal to explore all kinds of prompts, mixed media techniques and exercises that make use of recycled materials, trash or things that would otherwise get thrown out.
We will be working through 1 lesson a day for 30 days. I will be sharing all kinds of concepts- using recycled materials for printmaking, stamping, mark making, creating unique backgrounds, collaged pages, building unique compositions pages with trash and so much more! My hope is to inspire you to create with unique materials and find inspiration in everyday things that so often get thrown out!
Launches February 10th
More information or register HERE
I have a special place in my heart for textiles and weavings! And while I am not a textile artist, I love using rugs, weavings and textiles as inspiration for my drawing and painting process.
In this little class we will be creating beautiful textiles on paper. Using pens, watercolors and markers, I will be sharing a variety of simple and fun techniques and concepts to create beauitful fiber inspired art on paper.
Launches March 9th
More information or register HERE
I love rainbows- as a symbol and as color inspiration! In this little class I will be sharing 5 rainbow inspired tutorials to get you creating with the shapes, design and colors of the rainbow. From colorful painted backgrounds to using rainbow designs with collage materials to doodling and drawing rainbows and more, this class will get you inspired to create all things rainbow!
Launches April 20th
More information or register HERE
One of the most important ways that I challenge myself creatively is to limit my supplies! I know this sounds like the opposite of the freedom that goes with creativity but I’ve found when I limit my supplies, my ideas, skills and inspiration totally evolve and grow.
In this class we will only be using one supply- a pen- to create. I will be sharing some of my favorite ways to daw and create with pen and ink. From texture to shading to creating unique doodles and drawings that push that pen in all kinds of creative ways!

More information or register HERE

I've got a one time sale happening until December 25th!
More information or register HERE
new online classes!
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