spin art gift boxes

spin art gift boxes

If you’ve followed me all these years, you will know that I love finding unique ways to get creative with my holiday wrapping! It’s so much fun to incorporate making art with gift giving. In the coming weeks I’ve got som fun creative wrapping ideas coming your way!

Today I’m sharing a process- spin art gift boxes- that is fun for all ages and a really colorful way to create unique wrapping! Swipe left for the process.

We create lots of spin art around here and instead of using a spin art machine, we use a salad spinner. I add a heavy piece of cardboard to the bottom for stability.

Next, we placed our plain gift boxes inside the spinner. .
Then it’s time to add paint- we select 2-3 colors and added a dime size drop to the top of the box.

Then it’s time to spin! Sometimes you’ll get great results right away and then other times you’ll want to go back with layers of color and more spinning.

The boxes will need lots of time to dry and then you can use them for wrapping! They are perfect for small things or gift cards.

The best part of this process is that it’s colorful, messy and unpredictable! It’s also a fun way to add a little art to your gifting 

Need more handmade wrapping inspiration?

christmas craft Christmas DIY DIY holiday holiday wrapping spin art wrapping paper


  • spin art gift boxesIf you’ve followed me all these years, you will know that I love finding unique ways to get creative with my holiday wra… Read More

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